Tuesday 3 January 2012

My attempts at cinematography!

Here goes!  If at first you don't succeed, try and try again!  I tried again and then went to the 'Help' menu in the camcorder's PMB software.  I think it works. Logged off to check.  Ooops, I didn't make it public so couldn't view it.  Then I went back and uploaded them again making them public but I don't want future personal videos public.  I need help from you experienced bloggers out there.

I can see what the young guys that made their own youtube movie reviews on the camcorder mean about grainy images in full zoom.  I'm not too bothered as I'm not sure for the purposes of adoption when I would have the zoom fully exteneded.  You can tell how far out we were and how close in the zoom went.  It was also dusk (4:00 ish) on a cloudy, Vancouver, west coast day.

Again trying out the zoom and playing around with the camera.

For those of you that don't know the Pacific Northwest this is Mt. Baker in Washington state.  Sorry for the "graininess".  I'll try to take some more video that doesn't have the zoom full out.  The few I have include my family while I was playing around with the camera and I don't think they would thank me for posting them!
What a struggle but I did this all by myself!!!!!!

 I am now going to print out my Part 1 of my Confirmation of Canadian Citizenship of the Adoptive Parent. I photocopied the necessary documents today and meet with a notary tomorrow.  I continue to work away on the dossier requirements for my country.

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