Thursday 13 October 2011

A Positive Meeting

I met with my social worker at the local agency after school today and talked about the possible new country.  She is going to see if the agency can work with the facilitator in Ontario.  If so, I think I am ready to take a leap of faith but I am not getting too excited until I see the dossier requirements and other information in black and white.  My social worker is also going to ask about what is involved in the medical (see my worry in an early post) and if there are any references, or families that have completed the adoption process with this country.   I have to say that I am very excited about this option as the age of child will likely be between 1 - 3 years of age.  If  my agency here for some reason can't work with the Ontario facilitator then I will switch provincial agencies.  My social worker will contact me tomorrow and if all goes well I could be moving down a double path on Monday, the international path and Canada Adopts.  If not, then I will be registering with the new agency and then moving forwards.  Yikes!  I could be spending time this weekend composing my 'Dear Birth Mother' letter.   I will post tomorrow with news either way.  Although this is very positive and exciting, it is the next step in the process and then the waiting begins.  A couple in one of the Yahoo groups I have joined said when your dossier has been accepted and you are waiting, it is very important to get on with life.  This is very good advice as it is easy to let this journey consume one's life, conversations, thoughts etc., but may be a bit of a challenge to follow.   I will give it my best and have started walking again.  I walked for 40 minutes the last two nights, nothing compared to what I was doing, but a start.    I think I also have a  little friend out there praying for me.  His mum told me he takes his prayers very seriously and since I caught up with her a few weeks back there seems to have been some movement.

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