Friday 16 September 2011

A visitor after school

I had a nice visit with my social worker who did my home study after school today.  She came by to show me the changes to the home study and to get me to "sign off".   In the last month or so, I have begun to investigate another country that may give me a slightly younger child but still need to make phone calls to see what is happening.  The dossier for this country is much less complicated.  Pursuing this second country kind of complicates the home study a bit but may result in the proposal of a younger child of a different gender.  Any way, we were able to get something that reflects both routes.   My social worker will drop off the changes and the signed pages at my agency next week and when they have done their bit I'll get a call to go and pick up a final copy.   Until then, the little ticker keeps ticking.   I have decided to post on Canada Adopts once the home study is totally finished.  Thanks K for the encouragement here.  I have to get started on my 'Dear Birth Mother' letter and find some photos.  I am not terribly photogenic so try to avoid cameras at all costs.   I take good photos but that doesn't really help me right now as I need photos with me in them.   A parent from school was so kind and reposted photos she had taken last year.  There are a couple of me at work that I may be able to use.  Tomorrow I will email the bank and a person in a government position to see if I can get letters of reference for my first country.  I have been meaning to phone the school psychologist but when I looked down the hallway today, there she was at the photocopy machine.  I talked to her briefly about a personality test I have to take twice.  She was surprised by that as usually with this level or type of test, retaking it can affect the validity.  I am going to post a book tomorrow that I got in the summer.  It is a beautiful story of adoption.  I just need the time to figure how to copy the cover and put it up as a link.  I finally qualify for the 'Waiting Parents Group' and will attend my first meeting next Thursday night at the agency.  Still no news on the Ministry's ARE.